Blues in the Night

Dungeon Big Band
Heather Price (bass and vocals)
Peter Guy (organ)

The Dungeon Big Band combines 17 amazing musicians who find their raison d’etre in the power of the big band. This concert is presented in conjunction with Newcastle Music Festival.

‘Blues In The Night’ features the title tune (Ella Fitzgerald’s version) with Heather Price swooning the vocals, Glenn Miller’s ‘Moonlight Serenade’, Benny Goodman’s ‘Bugle Call Rag’ and ‘Goodbye’, Count Basie’s ‘C Jam Blues’ and Duke Ellington’s arrangement of Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’.

To make this event even more memorable, Peter Guy (Newcastle Christ Church Cathedral’s organist) will be joining the big band, led by Rod Barnes, on Adamstown Uniting Church’s pipe organ. This is surely a first! and has inspired Peter as well as the big band musos.

There will also be a full team of technicians livestreaming this concert for those who can’t make the venue in person!

Accessibility Information

  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.
  • 228 Brunker Road, Adamstown, 2289
  • All tickets - $30 to $35